America's Frontline Doctors

This week a group of doctors who claim to work in the front lines in hospital emergency rooms held a news conference. They posted the news conference to their own website. They posted and shared it on Social Media sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Soon after American’s Frontline Doctors posted their videos they all disappeared as the content was blocked. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter all became censors of this content before any discussion took place regarding the credentials of these doctors.



1. the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

“the regulation imposes censorship on all media”

Their website was hosted on Squarespace which acted quickly to shutdown the site. “We have determined that you are currently in violation of Section 3.1 or our Acceptable Use Policy.”

Were these Social Media companies right to quickly block this content?

Hydroxychloroquine may not be a solution to help save lives but, is the publishing of these videos so dangerous that we needed to be protected from this information? How is it that these companies can move so quickly to filter and block this content and not shutdown other websites such as porn, sex trafficking, extreme violence sites and those targeting our youngest children?

What does this mean for me and others who operate our own websites and post content that might not fit with the standard of correct thought?

If I post my thoughts regarding Hydroxychloroquine, COVID-19, wearing of face coverings or masks will I be censored also? Would my website host be forced to close my account and block my access? If I try to upload a video that I create myself to discuss these issues, will YouTube block me or suspend my account?

Does it seem like certain lines of thought or discussions we once had without being shutdown have stopped? Is it more dangerous now to speak our minds? Is this level of censorship another part of what people are calling the “cancel culture” where only words, values and ideas of a small but vocal minority are to rule us in the future?

Please post your thoughts regarding censorship and, if you think censorship is okay… who do you think should decide what gets censored online.

Thanks in advance for your feedback. Just remember, keep it clean and no trashing of each others ideas or comments. Internet and Online censorship is a big issue. I don’t pretend to have a solution. But open discussion is of value, I believe.

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By Henry Griner

For over 25 years I operated my business, Mission Springs Marketing, where I helped ministries and churches, non-profit organizations and local businesses with their online operations and websites. As of December 31, 2022, I closed my business. I will still work on my own websites but will devote most of my time to family and ministry work with my wife Leslie.

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